Protect Your Energy.

Energy charts every course, determines overall happiness and navigates the daily flow of life.

With days into a new year, we’ve all begun the process of turning a new page and starting the year with an anticipation of making it better than ever.

Unfortunately with demands and deadlines, self care will be forced to the bottom of a long list of things to get done.

As we forge ahead, we should keep mental health and wellness a priority to preserve the most vital ingredient of all:

Our energy.


Last year was an epic storm that changed us forever. Abruptly and overnight, the coronavirus altered every area of our lives. Our precious well being took a huge hit.

Like fish out of water forced into a new habitat, we were tossed out of comfort zones with no clue of what to do.

We missed everything and everyone.


Socializing. Concerts. Events.

Birthday parties. Weddings.

Happy hours. Date nights.

Real face time. With no masks.

Hugs. Kisses. Handshakes.

Going to the movies. Broadway. Plays.

School. Prom. Homecoming.

One thing that was a big surprise was the permission to sit back, relax and just be.

We didn’t know it at first, but we were self-caring. Preserving, protecting and guarding our well being in ways that were priceless.

Whether we realized it or not, some of us found our happy space! A sweet spot.

As we navigate 2021, it’s crucial that we redefine our normalcy for the better.

We’ve got to feed our mental health and starve energy killers by any means necessary.

Here are a few ways we can do that, starting today!


Take a much needed day off! No work. No phone. No social. Use it as time to replenish. Revive. Renew and re-energize.


Clear your schedule for much needed mental health days. No schedule. No plans. No deadlines.


It’s more than okay to switch lanes. Follow your intuition and trust your inner wisdom! Wisdom is the guide that leads you to decisions that are best for you.


Time off should be time off. Just as we power down our phones for a break from it all, power down your schedule and commit to days of doing nothing without guilt, apologies or shame for doing it.


Some calls can go to voicemail or answered at a time convenient for you. And if it’s toxic, don’t answer! Guard your sanity and distance yourself from toxic conversations, toxic people and toxic moments.


Sleep. Sleep. Restfully sleep! Lack of rest is the number one stress feeder. For maximum wellness, get much needed rest.


Transparency, honesty and candid conversation is vital and boosts relationships to healthy levels of growth, sustainability and longevity.


Invigorate your life with freedom! Let go of inhibitions, fear, or anyone and anything trying to halt the liberating joys of life. You deserve to let it go.


Solo time is a power move. Solitude allows time to strengthen, revamp and regain. Peace brings rest and serenity revives the soul. Allow yourself alone time to slow down, grow, renew and liberate.


Copyright © 2021 by Nicole Revish Inc.

Nicole Revish