Upgrade Your Summer Curl Care.

How your curls react to summer depends on a few things.

While it generally comes down to your natural texture and the style you want, things like humidity, heat, and hair habits make up much of the rest.

As you navigate the salt, sun, chlorine, styling and hot temps, set your curls up for success with our favorite tips!

Hydration. Dehydration. Hydration.

You already know it’s a song and dance! Hydrated today, super dry tomorrow. No matter what, it always seems like an endless cycle as curls fight dry hair.

Just as your body needs hydration to thrive and survive, your hair does to! But it needs a key partner to play an important role in how it lasts:

Hydration and moisture work beautifully together.

Believe it or not, they both aren’t the same and they need each other to keep your hair feeling perfectly nourished.

“What’s the difference between the two?”

Hydration controls the amount of water retained inside each hair strand, while moisture’s role is a nourishing benefit on the cuticle layer (the outer layer of the hair, basically what you feel as you touch your hair) and it’s ability to travel in and out of the hair.

Remember: tighter curls and coils can usually be dryer than most hair types, so identifying the need for hydration and moisture is key. 

“When and what do I use?”

To maintain hydration and moisture, use sulfate-free shampoos and clean-based conditioners. Free of animal derived or harmful ingredients.

Sulfate-free and cruelty-free clean based products gently cleanse the hair while providing intense nourishment and softness to dehydrated curls and coils. These systems work great during the summer when hair washing usually becomes more frequent.

Deep condition intentionally and frequently.

When building new hair habits, stay consistent.

Let’s face it. Curly and coily strands are always dry more often than not, and there’s nothing worse than starving your hair of much needed nourishment!

Maintain a good, solid routine of frequent hydration and use systems that work best for your specific curl type. Not your friend’s or fellow curl bae, but your hair type.

Before applying a deep conditioner or treatment, towel blot your hair thoroughly. Remember water dilutes anything it comes in contact with, so if your hair is sopping wet when you apply treatments, you’ll only receive a small portion of its great benefit.

Here’s a nourishment system we adore and LOVE for all curly and coily hair types:

Color with care.

A benefit of summer to curls is sun-lightened hair.

For this reason, avoid over-lightening curly and coily strands during the summer season.

Stay on top of grey coverage or color retouches, but avoid a lot of bleach work or excessive highlighting.

Allow summer to brighten and enhance those strands naturally. Resume lightening in the fall/ winter to refresh.

Always protect hair color with a color protection system.

Give therapy, enhance vibrancy, seal color and add beautiful shine.

Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Revish Inc.

Nicole Revish